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Coacervates Lab (September 16, 2014)


The theory of evolution starts out as the basis of biology. In this lab we specifically explore how coacervates evolve through chemicals and still defy the idea of being living. When we added various proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, sugars, and conditions, we can easily identify how the coacervates evolved. The organized clusters of chemicals that we call coacervates show some signs of being living cells. Because of the signs of potentially living, these structures represent the early stages of the origins of life.


When in the right environment at the right time certain materials can come together and form a coacervate. These resemble cells because usually they are made of lipids. These might look like cell membrane balls because of the way they form, but they do not contain any of the cell properties. Such as DNA, RNA, Proteins, and have no genetic material as well as do not carry out any specific function. Coacervates can help us discover how life began on this planet as well as show the steps that were taken in the process of creating humans over billions of years.


This study was conducted at New Tech High School, in Kim Wootton’s Biology classroom, on September 12, 2014. We tested the pH level of a coacervate mix with different amounts of HCI solution. For the first test, we just tested the pH of just the mixture and got a pH of 12. The mixture appeared to be clear and there were no coacervates. For the second test, we tested the pH of the mixture and 1 drop of HCI solution and the pH was 6. The mixture appeared to be cloudy when the HCI solution was added and there was 1 coacervate. For the third test, we added 6 drops of the HCI solution to the mixture and got a pH of 4. The mixture appeared to be cloudy and there were multiple coacervates that were trying to split. For the fourth test, we added 11 drops of HCI solution and got a pH of 3 and the mixture appeared to be clear.


In our original control group, we found that with zero drops of HCI that the pH level was at 12. With the zero drops, the solution was clear and had no obvious signs of coacervates. In our second test, we added one drop of HCI which lowered the pH level to a 6. This made the solution moderately cloudy and showed formations of coacervates. When we moved onto the next test, our original expectation was to see it turn clear again but instead it we saw it become more cloudy. The third test showed a pH level of 4 with the coacervates trying to split. We continued adding HCI to see how many drops it would take to turn it clear. With a total of eleven drops in the solution, it turned clear and had a pH level of 3.


While conducting this lab we found that coacervates share many of the same properties as living cells. While analyzing the data we found that the coacervate mixture had a pH level of 12 without any HCI added, this told us that this mixture had a low acidity level. Also the mixture was clear and showed no signs of coacervates. The coacervate appeared when we added 1 drop of HCI making the test tube cloudy. When the drop was added the pH test for a 6 making it more acidic. From this we drew the conclusion that coacervates can be created and seen in solution with a low pH due to the acidity level. When we added more 6 more drops of HCI the pH dropped to 4 making the solution very cloudy and acidic, The clouder the solution the more coacervates but while observing we saw that they tried to split apart and reproduce. These coacervates are showing living characteristic through how they move and react to cells around them.


Several deductions were made from the completion of the lab. Firstly, coacervates physically resemble a living cell under a microscope. The coacervates also exert properties of living cells by utilizing movement to absorb nutrients from the surrounding environment under a proper physical and chemical environment. In fact, when the PH was around 6, the amount of coacervates increased from its original amount. This emulates the behavior of living things as each living thing requires a certain PH to survive. As a result, coacervates act as a great way to study the origin of life. However, unlike living cells, coacervates are unable to reproduce. In addition of being able to reproduce, the coacervate would also need to be able to evolve, respond to the environment, develop, and regulate itself to be considered a living thing.

Sources Cited

Wootton, K. (2014). Coacervate Formation Lab. Retrieved from

Hanczyc, Martin. "EDpuzzle." EDpuzzle. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Sept. 2014.

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